The Big Bang Theory is an American comedy television series created and executively produced by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. Like the name of the series itself (with the exception of the first episode "Pilot"), episode titles of The Big Bang Theory always start with "The" and resemble the name of a scientific principle, theory or experiment, whimsically referencing a plot point or quirk that is stated in that episode.
In March 2017, CBS announced that the series was renewed for two more years, leading the show to a total of 12 seasons. The eleventh season premiered on September 25, 2017. As of May 10, 2018, 255 episodes of The Big Bang Theory have aired, concluding the eleventh season. There was also an unaired pilot which CBS did not broadcast.
Series overview
Best moments of Sheldon Lee Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory" - This is a compilation of the funniest moments of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. This is just a fan made video.I do not own any rights.All rights ...
Unaired pilot
The original pilot, which CBS passed on, featured Amanda Walsh and Iris Bahr in the female roles for the main cast instead of Kaley Cuoco. Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar were not part of the cast of the unaired pilot.
Season 1 (2007â"08)
Season 2 (2008â"09)
Season 3 (2009â"10)
Season 4 (2010â"11)
Season 5 (2011â"12)
Season 6 (2012â"13)
Season 7 (2013â"14)
Season 8 (2014â"15)
Season 9 (2015â"16)
Season 10 (2016â"17)
Season 11 (2017â"18)
External links
- Official website